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CS-214 is a hands-on class, and its success hinges on the quality of the support that our students get throughout the semester. We are recruiting 15 to 20 passionate assistants to join the course team.

Perks of the job

Junior / Senior assistants

We plan to have two types of SA positions in Fall 2024: junior student assistants with typical SA responsibilities (Ed questions, office hours, and lab support), and senior student assistants with a higher time commitment and additional responsibilities (course development, infrastructure, planning, etc.). All senior assistants will be matched with PhD mentors to aid in the transition to high-responsibility roles.

We encourage students with previous SA experience to apply for senior assistant positions. Don’t be shy!

Application process

Please submit your application by filling this short application form.

Final hiring decisions are expected by June 23rd. Applications received before June 9th will receive preferential consideration. Applicants not known to the course team may be invited to sit a brief interview.

Available positions

Senior SA: Course quality engineer (1–2 SAs, 10–12 hr/wk)

In addition to exercise and lab sessions, you will be in charge of monitoring and improving quality in all aspects of the course, focusing on labs, exercises, and lectures.

Your typical week

Your responsibilities

Your profile

You are details-oriented and uncompromising, proud of your work, and you never settle for “good enough”.

Senior SA: Grading infrastructure engineer (1 SA, 10–12 hr/wk)

In addition to lab and exercise sessions, you are in charge of maintaining and improving the course’s grading infrastructure.

Your typical week

Your responsibilities

Your profile

You are looking for experience in DevOps. You know your way around command line tools, shell scripts, Unix systems, version control, and CI scripting.

Senior SA: Course development engineer (2 SAs, 10–12 hr/wk)

In addition to lab and exercise sessions, you are in charge of creating new content for the course.

Your typical week

Your responsibilities

Your profile

You are passionate about writing and pedagogy. You have an excellent command of English, and you are an expert in Scala and functional programming. You have experience with collaboration platforms (merge requests, code reviews) and teamwork.

Senior SA: Assistant production manager (1 SA, 10–12 hr/wk)

In addition to lab and exercise sessions, you are in charge of preparing weekly duty rosters, keeping track of course deadlines, and generally identifying staffing issues before they become a problem.

Your typical week

Your responsibilities

Your profile

You are organized, punctual, and detail-oriented. You care for processes, organization, and things running smoothly.

Senior SA: Media manager (1 SA, 8–10 hr/wk)

In addition to lab and exercise sessions, you are in charge of recording, editing, and uploading lectures.

Your typical week

Your responsibilities

Your profile

You are interested in developing your AV skills. You care about the students’ online learning experience, and you are available to attend course lectures.

Junior SA: Lab assistant (5 SAs, 8 hr/wk)

You are the course’s front line. You help students during in-person lab and exercise sessions and in online forums by giving them guidance and hints about labs and exercises and answering questions about lectures.

Your typical week

Your responsibilities

Your profile

You are passionate about teaching, pedagogy, and helping students succeed. You are ready to contribute to the course’s quality in the long run and potentially interested in becoming a senior SA in future years. You speak excellent French.